Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Suffering is important. Pain is important. When I say I enjoy it, I don't mean that I enjoy self-harm or mutilation... Pain is not the end, pain is the means to an end. Withstanding suffering increases your capacity to suffer; it is about being strong, not about being a masochist. It's intensely difficult for me to articulate, so I quote:

“I think a lot about my friends, my family, myself. I often wonder why I put myself in these situations : I'm cold, I'm dirty, I'm tired, although I could be enjoying the comfort of my sweet home... I don't really have an answer. Sometimes I feel like a child who has put on a suit too big for him, I don't really know if I should be here doing this, but in moments like now, when I reach a goal, when I win my challenge, I feel like I grow a little bit into this suit.” - Thomas Couetdic

Diamonds are made from ordinary rocks, put under extreme pressure.

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