Friday, April 17, 2009

Flight of Ideas

Life has been very good lately. Due to exams and assignments and the like I havn't been getting as much physical stuff as I want to done lately, which while sad on its own I guess, has been buffered by the amount of stuff that I have been learning. Second year is more intense, but infinitely more interesting, especially as you start to head into the next level of detail. Principles are beginning to become more important which suits me fine - rote learning is something I have always had a problem with, but my reasoning is starting to come more into play - which has provided a happy boost to my self-esteem as I begin to realise, 'Hey, I could actually be good at this.'

Heard a nice story too about an emergency registrar who had a patient present completly blue after being hit by a car on his left side. The registrat worked out it was a flail chest and grabbed the nearets object (a pillow), pushed it into the flail segment which immobilised it, and allowed him to ventilate on his right lung. Very cool.

Training has been different of late. I've been doing weighted muscle ups lately (locally known as man-ups), by best 1RM so far being with a 20kg dumbbell between my feet. Still struggling to get a consistent muscle up on rings however, I think due to technique being largely 'pull hard and hope for the best.' I've also taken to climbing trees, which has helped my upper body strength immensly as my arms have to work at all the odd, natural angles one dosn't find in the more inorganic gym. I'm beginning to find I train parkour more often now too, and also more spontaneously, and I've decided when my gym membership runs out in June/July, I'll make the call as to whether I want to renew it, or move all my training outdoors. We shall see.

But yes, life is good.


Anonymous said...

Have you started your FAC yet?

BFG said...

Depends what you mean.
FAC is currently divided into 5 blocks, of which kapooka is the first one, and which I have done. So yes I have, though no more than any other chocco.

Kinda moot though, as I am dropping the FAC and transferring to the infantry as an OR.

Anonymous said...

Mind if I ask why the switch?

And are you going to swap from your university regiment (I'm guessing that's where you are now) to a regular reserves unit also?

BFG said...

Time commitments essentially. I don't think I could do the FAC & uni to the standard to which they each deserve. As for unit, I'll end up where they send me.