Yesterday out training I had managed to get a cat to the level where I was happy with it and prepared to move up. So, grabbed a bench and decided to add that on top.
It was fucking heavy. About 5x1.5x1.5 ft of solid wood. I couldn't get it up by myself. So I dragged another bench over. Bit of lever action later and I had this second bench sitting where I wanted it.
As I arrived to start training today, couple of guys on their way back from the gym were walking past. One of them went over to it and lifted it up a little.
"Yeah. Would have taken a group of guys to get this up."
- - -
Haven't got that jump yet. I know I can cat the height (theres a nipple high box that I can get on to, I was actually hoping this jump would help me train to clear that one). In general though my cats are still quite temperamental, sometimes feeling technically excellent and sometimes I can't even get through to visualising the technique. Weird.
Got cat-pops today though. That was nice.