Friday, May 9, 2008

May 9th

2 month goals:
3 sets of 6 muscle ups: Completed...barely
The first set went off like a dream, perfect form, everything. Second set needed a kick on the last couple and a one-arm-at-a-time push on the last one, and third set needed it on the last 3 reps...last rep was an absolute killer. I was in a dead hang for a few seconds before hand and it was still a struggle to get all the way to the top. Rest between sets was about 4 minutes and 3:30.

Chins with 40kgs: Failed.
Probably should have been more specific with this. Also probably should have trained for it as well, but anyway. I got a rep of each, and that was about it. I'm gonna have another go; because it seemed to me to be much more the tiny weight belt with the bumper-plate weights, that I did it halfway through the workout, and that I'm dead tired much more than me being weak :P.

Gonna revise the workout on Sunday (getting bored), step up the HSPUs to 3 reps each time (8 reps needed in 2 months). Apart from that, still going strong.

Train hard.

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