Saturday, October 18, 2008

The State of the System

Have a new set of workout goals. A little more achievable than the last few I guess. Most are half-way steps that I probably could have used when I wrote clarity at the start of the year.

- Set of 10 'proper' muscle ups.
- Full pistol each leg
- Handstand press
- Advanced tuck planche for 60 seconds
- Freestanding HSPUs
- Flag

All of these I see as pretty easily achieveable. I understand the mechanics behind each as much as I can. Some of them (like the muscle ups & adv. tuck planche) are just drilling; the others I think are mostly technical exercises and will just require persistent experimentation to nugget out. Theres also a fair bit of cross-over between the last four, so that will also assist.

And a couple of big ones:
- Iron Cross

It feels a little weird just writing those last two down. Definitly possible, definitly hard. I'm not sure if I want to set a timeframe on either just yet.

In other news, Uni has finished, and after my exams I'll be heading to Kapooka for Army basic training.

Train hard.

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