Monday, August 4, 2008


It's been a while since my last evaluation, so here goes.

Total Body Water: 64.1%
- Less than last time. I have been rather dehydrated of late, having just returned from a rural clinical rotation where my main diet consisted of Johnny Walker and goon. I've also picked up a cold, which may have something to do with it. All things considered though, I think this is really good.

Daily Dietary Requirement: 9353 kJ
- Much more than last time. Its also worth mentioning here that I've put 4-5 kgs since last time. While a portion of that is going to be fat, especially since my body fat percentage has gone up, there is still a lot of muscle in there, which is going to need fuel. Since this is at rest, I imagine that it increases proportionally under load...which would explain the colossal amount of food I eat now.

Metabolic Age: 12
- Still young at heart

Body fat percentage: 7.9%
- An extra 1.2% bodyfat. I was aiming to stack on fat before my prom trip as an extra energy supply, but I'm still unsure if this is a good or a bad thing. On the plus side, I have the insulation and the energy available, which will help with endurance efforts & survival. On the other hand, its extra weight to carry around, which will slow me down, as well as being less aesthetically pleasing.

The Flag is coming along nicely. I've worked out a fantastic way to train it, and now all I need is to keep greasing the groove whenever I have an opportunity. A few issues with falling backwards, and I still need to kick into the motion, but its definitly coming.

The muscle up to handstand press is lagging. While I can nearly do a handstand press from a frog stand, thats a long way from an elbow leaver which is a long way from a bar. I'll keep plugging away at it, but it looks a little tight for 2 months. The muscle up section is a breeze though...general strength is coming along nicely. I got a few more jumps which were eluding me, though I haven't nearly found my physical and technical limits with those techniques - the mental blocks still remain my No. 1 impediment. I also redid my workout completely 2 weeks ago to include much more MN stuff; namely swimming, some gymnastics and some dedicated running times, which has taken up some gym time. The jack of all trades approach is hard, but has been rewarding so far.

Looking forward to the NatJam in a few months, Kapooka later in the year and then a possible 6 weeks (!) hiking in Tassie over Christmas.

Train hard.

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